Here are a few tricks to easily increase humidity for your plant!


Most plants need humid air in order to thrive. That’s because the pores through which they breathe lose most of their moisture when the surrounding air is dry, a loss that the plant can’t always replace through the water its roots absorb. The thinner the leaf, the greater its need for humidity. Thick, leathery, or waxy leaves, or those covered with hair, are usually relatively immune to dry air.

Symptoms of dry air include curled leaves and dry leaf tips, as well as a frequent need for watering. Flower buds are Pebble Tray
Pebble Tray
especially susceptible to dry air and may turn brown or simply fall off if humidity is too low.


Most tropical plants love a humidity level around 50%, some like it higher. Our homes and offices offer a humidity level around 30% and when we turn up the heat in the winter, that number drops to below 20%.


While you can mist your plants to raise the humidity, I find that its ineffective and a time waster as the mist dries too quickly to offer any help.


A room humidifier helps greatly in increasing air humidity. Just make sure it is filled with water daily.


Group plants together with similar watering needs during the winter months will make your life easier. Each plant gives off humidity through transpiration. Clusters of plants will create very good humidity in the surrounding air.


My favorite way to increase the humidity is to use a pebble tray. Its very simple. Just find any container that will hold water, a saucer, a tray even a deep plate, add some pebbles and keep water up to the top of the pebbles. Make sure not to allow the plant to stand in the water. The pebbles are used to hold your plant safe above the water. As the water evaporates, it increases the air moisture around the plant, creating a tiny micro-environment.