Peace Lily plants are gorgeous indoor houseplants with large, glossy, oval, dark green leaves and impressive white flowers (spathes) that last for weeks. Spathes can be green which reminds us that they are really modified leaves. A Peace Lily originated in tropical forests around the world where it grew close to the forest floor in the shade of the larger plants. This helps explain why Peace Lily plants are one of very few indoor plants that can bloom even in medium to low light.  NASA lists the Peace Lily as one of the best plants to clean the air of harmful toxins such as benzene, formaldehyde, and carbon monoxide.

Light - Peace lily's do well in low to bright indirect light. To much light and the leaves fade away their dark green color; with too little light the plant won't flower. In direct light the leaves will burn and crisp.

Temperature - Peace lily's grow best in 

Water  - Let the top half of the dirt dry before watering again. If you go too long in-between waterings, her leaves will droop or drop yellow leaves. A sign of over-watering is her leaves turning blackish brown. My favorite way to make sure I don't over or under water my peace lily is to wait for her to ask for a drink - when she starts drooping, its time to bring on the water!

Humidity - She will do better in High Humidity, but it isn't necessary for this plant. During the winter months, consider adding a pebble tray to her to keep her happiest!

Soil - Use a peat based mix with good aeration.

Fertilizer - Feed with a good even houseplant fertilizer (14-14-14), be sure to follow the directions on the bottle, too much fertilizer and the leaf tips will burn. Another sign of over fertilizing is "salt" build up around the pot.

Re-pot - Do not re-pot your peace lily until her roots have filled up the pot. Only pot up to the next size pot.

Once the flowers fade, prune the flower and its stem at the soil line. Pruning the flowers encourages more flowers. Brown or yellow leaves should also be pruned at the base of their stem. This is one plant who LOVES to be clean! Periodically place her in the shower for a good spray down.

PestsPeace Lily plants may get Aphids, spider mites, and Mealy Bugs. Check regularly for pests. See Mealy Bugs for helpful tricks.

Propagation -Peace Lily's can be propagated by plant division.

Potential Problems- Because
 Peace Lily plants prefer a humid environment, leaf spot, and other bacterial and fungal plant diseases can be a problem. By keeping the leaves dry, providing good air circulation around the plant, and avoiding overly wet soil will help prevent diseases.

Special NotesBecause of their name, Peace Lily's are often sent as gifts for funerals. A Peace Lily is poisonous and should be kept away from pets and children.